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金融专业简历范文 英语(金融专业简历范文 英语翻译)

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  2. 金融工程专业留学生个人简历中英文范文
  3. 个人简历范文:金融专业




2009/09~2013/06 Shanghai University of Finance& Economics


Major: Banking and International Finance


2013/09~2013/07 Cardiff University


Major: International Economics Banking and Finance


2009/10“Gambling Analysis of Product Quality Reduction in Price War”: Established a price competition mode, took the product’s quality and price as the manufacturer’s decision variable and inducted them to the model, made use of gambling analysis to explain the reason of simultaneous reduction of quality as well as price in the price war, analyzed price competition’s balanced economical condition when the product’s quality could change, proposed the solution of Pareto invalid question caused by price war.


2010/04"Problem of RMBGlobalization”: Through researching on currency internationalization’s general rule and combining the actual situation of our country’s economy development, elaborated the problem of RMB internationalization’s advancement.


2011/10-2012/07 Went to England to study as the exchange student, studied in SOUTHAMPTON in the junior year, understood the overseas’ educational model and life, participated in a lot of social practice, realized different culture and academic atmosphere.


2009/02—2009/05 Practiced in Department of Finance, China Hardware Minerals Import and Export Corporation


Responsibility: Sorted the bills and made the financial report form, familiar with basic finance work flow, understood intercourse flow between the company and the bank, studied and made use of financial software as well as the basic knowledge of audits and accountant to complete the work.


2010/07—2010/09 Practiced inDepartment of Finance, Beijing Hengfu Sunshine Business Management Ltd,Corporation


Responsibility:Sorted the bills and made the financial report form, familiar with basic finance work flow


2011/11—2012/01 Worked as the sale assistant in Soccer(sale of sports commodity in England)


Responsibility:Worked as the sale assistant and did the financial work


2012/02—2013/03 Practiced in Alleys Accounting Firm


Responsibility:Assisted the group leader in financial audit work, proofreading, glancing through the certificate, studying to make the report form and so on.


IELTS:6.5 Test Date:2010/03/11


GMAT: 540 Test Date:2012/06/14


English Proficency: Fluent in reading, writing, listening and speaking English


2009 champion, women’s doubles, Badminton Competition, Department of Finance


2010 Participated in Shanghai University of Finance& Economics’“ Blue Source Cup” Drama Festival, as the representative, participated in the competition on behalf of International Finance Department in School of Finance, obtained the second place


2011 Obtained“the Best Debater” in Shanghai University of Finance& Economics


Debate:As the fourth debater, took charge of free debate in the middle period and summary statement in the end, the topic was“Value Process or Value Result”


Worked as propaganda department’s secretary in CSSA, Assisted in holding Chinese culture festival as well as the Overseas Students’ Spring Festival Evening Party.












在时间排列顺序上也遵循由后至前这一规则,即从当前的工作岗位写起,直至求职者的第一个工作岗位为止。求职者要将单位的名称、自身的职位、技能写清楚。另外,欧美人很重视求职者的实际工作经验,所以,提及自己"工作时的培训(ON THE JOB TRAINING)",不失为一个聪明的做法。

















4、 In my opinion, the Financial Engineering is a kind of creative technology to the Financial Instruments, Financial Means and system. It used to balance the benefits and venture as an interesting interdisciplinary subject. It covers many fields such as mathematics, computer science and finance, in which the mathematics and mathematical modeling are the two main aspects of the Financial Engineering. The Investment Portfolio Theory of Markowitz, the capital asset pricing model of the Sharp, Option Pricing Model of Black-Scholes and“Binomial” model of Cox can best reflect the critical position of the two subjects.


5、我有幸选择了数学与应用数学这个专业,在三年和它的接触了解中,使我对数学,尤其对数学建模有了较深的理解和体会。(记得第一次去听清华大学XX系姜启源教授的讲座,他在讲座上举了一个“现实生活中的数学”例子:“1公斤面, 1公斤馅,包100个饺子;若馅比 1公斤多,应多包几个,还是少包几个呢?”是这个生动、形象、富于生活气息的包饺子问题把我领进了数学建模的世界。)


6、 I am glad to choose mathematics and applied mathematics. Three years’ study had deepened my understanding of them, especially of mathematical modeling.(It still occurs to me when I went to attend the class of XX department given by Professor Jiang qiyuan in Tsinghua University for the first time.“1 kilogram of flour added with 1 kilogram of stuffing can make 100 dumplings, but what if the stuffing is more than 1 kilogram?” He used a very simple, vivid and interesting example which aroused my interest and led me into the mathematical modeling world.




8、 The first time I kissed the mathematical modeling was in the summer vacation of 2005, when I got a good opportunity to attend the mathematical modeling training organized by our school. Seasoned mathematics teachers told me what on earth the mathematical modeling is through some existing examples, in which the one about SARS impressed me most. In 2003, SARS broke out and shrouded rapidly to the whole world, which imperiled our economic development and people’s living. Therefore, study on its spreading regularity and building the mathematical modeling for predicting and controlling its extension had become the“Archimedes Heels” for all mathematicians… So, the Logistic regression has been carved in my memory. Two weeks’ training has presented me with a kind of passion and calm thinking much more than just those classical mathematical models. As the patron saint of our human-beings, the existence of Mathematics and mathematical modeling are maintaining our subsistence and development. Then, when SARS ran riot, when we are suffering from the pain of AIDS, what can I do as a mathematics and mathematical modeling lover who loves life so much?




10、 In my opinion, the Financial Engineering is a kind of creative technology to the Financial Instruments, Financial Means and system. It used to balance the benefits and venture as an interesting interdisciplinary subject. It covers many fields such as mathematics, computer science and finance, in which the mathematics and mathematical modeling are the two main aspects of the Financial Engineering. The Investment Portfolio Theory of Markowitz, the capital asset pricing model of the Sharp, Option Pricing Model of Black-Scholes and“Binomial” model of Cox can best reflect the critical position of the two subjects.


11、我有幸选择了数学与应用数学这个专业,在三年和它的接触了解中,使我对数学,尤其对数学建模有了较深的理解和体会。(记得第一次去听清华大学XX系姜启源教授的讲座,他在讲座上举了一个“现实生活中的数学”例子:“1公斤面, 1公斤馅,包100个饺子;若馅比 1公斤多,应多包几个,还是少包几个呢?”是这个生动、形象、富于生活气息的包饺子问题把我领进了数学建模的世界。)


12、 I am glad to choose mathematics and applied mathematics. Three years’ study had deepened my understanding of them, especially of mathematical modeling.(It still occurs to me when I went to attend the class of XX department given by Professor Jiang qiyuan in Tsinghua University for the first time.“1 kilogram of flour added with 1 kilogram of stuffing can make 100 dumplings, but what if the stuffing is more than 1 kilogram?” He used a very simple, vivid and interesting example which aroused my interest and led me into the mathematical modeling world.




14、 The first time I kissed the mathematical modeling was in the summer vacation of 2005, when I got a good opportunity to attend the mathematical modeling training organized by our school. Seasoned mathematics teachers told me what on earth the mathematical modeling is through some existing examples, in which the one about SARS impressed me most. In 2003, SARS broke out and shrouded rapidly to the whole world, which imperiled our economic development and people’s living. Therefore, study on its spreading regularity and building the mathematical modeling for predicting and controlling its extension had become the“Archimedes Heels” for all mathematicians… So, the Logistic regression has been carved in my memory. Two weeks’ training has presented me with a kind of passion and calm thinking much more than just those classical mathematical models. As the patron saint of our human-beings, the existence of Mathematics and mathematical modeling are maintaining our subsistence and development. Then, when SARS ran riot, when we are suffering from the pain of AIDS, what can I do as a mathematics and mathematical modeling lover who loves life so much?











2023/09~2023/06 Shanghai University of Finance& Economics


MAJOR: Banking and International Finance


2023/09~2023/xx Cardiff University


MAJOR: International Economics Banking and Finance


2023/10Gambling Analysis of Product Quality Reduction in Price War(《价格战中产品质量降低的博弈分析》): Established a price competition mode, took the product’s quality and price as the manufacturer’s decision variable and inducted them to the model, made use of gambling analysis to explain the reason of simultaneous reduction of quality as well as price in the price war, analyzed price competition’s balanced economical condition when the product’s quality could change, proposed the solution of Pareto invalid question(帕累托无效问题) caused by price war.


2023/04"Problem of RMBGlobalization(《人民币的国际化问题》): Through researching on currency internationalization’s general rule and combining the actual situation of our country’s economy development, elaborated the problem of RMB internationalization’s advancement.


2023/10-2023/07 Went to England to study as the exchange student, studied in SOUTHAMPTON in the junior year, understood the overseas’ educational model and life, participated in a lot of social practice, realized different culture and academic atmosphere.


2023/02—2023/05 Practiced in Department of Finance, China Hardware Minerals Import and Export Corporation(中国五金矿产进出口总公司)


Responsibility: Sorted the bills and made the financial report form, familiar with basic finance work flow, understood intercourse flow between the company and the bank, studied and made use of financial software as well as the basic knowledge of audits and accountant to complete the work.


2023/07—2023/09 Practiced inDepartment of Finance, Beijing Hengfu Sunshine Business Management Ltd,Corporation(北京恒富阳光企业管理有限公司)


Responsibility:Sorted the bills and made the financial report form, familiar with basic finance work flow


2023/11—2023/01 Worked as the sale assistant in Soccer(sale of sports commodity in England)


Responsibility:Worked as the sale assistant and did the financial work


2023/02—2023/03 Practiced in Alleys Accounting Firm(中洲会计师事务所)


Responsibility:Assisted the group leader in financial audit work, proofreading, glancing through the certificate(翻阅凭证), studying to make the report form and so on.


TOEFL:(/)TWE: Test Date:xxxx/xx/xx/


IELTS: 6.5 Test Date:2023/03/11


ENGLISH PROFICENCY: Fluent in reading, writing, listening and speaking English


2023 champion, women’s doubles, Badminton Competition, Department of Finance


2023 Participated in Shanghai University of Finance& Economics’ Blue Source Cup(蓝源杯) Drama Festival, as the representative, participated in the competition on behalf of International Finance Department in School of Finance, obtained the second place


2023 Obtainedthe Best Debater in Shanghai University of Finance& Economics


Debate:As the fourth debater, took charge of free debate in the middle period and summary statement in the end, the topic wasValue Process or Value Result(《重视过程还是重视结果》)


Worked as propaganda department’s secretary in CSSA, Assisted in holding Chinese culture festival as well as the Overseas Students’ Spring Festival Evening Party.




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金融专业简历范文 英语(金融专业简历范文 英语翻译)
